Ever wonder if information requests from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) are legitimate? There are many fraudsters out there who are very creative when it comes to obtaining information. Often they already have some information about you which makes you feel comfortable to discuss your affairs with them. It’s important to note the following to protect yourself against fraud.
–          CRA will never request information from you through email or text messaging.
–          CRA will never leave a voice message containing confidential personal or tax information.
–          Benefit payments are always issued on specific dates.
–          You are the only one with access to your account unless written authorization has previously been given by you.
If you are not sure about the authenticity of a call or letter, phone CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to ensure it is legitimate. Be mindful that CRA will ask specific questions to ensure you are who you say you are when phoning them. Often CRA will ask questions regarding your previous year’s tax return so be sure to have it close by.
When it comes to giving out confidential information its best to be cautious.