You can pay online, at your bank, mail a cheque, buy a money order. If you want to pay online using your online banking, go to ‘Add Vendors’ and do a search on “CRA” (or some have it under ‘Canada Revenue’). Add CRA using your SIN as the account number and picking the ‘Current year filing’ as the option. Then pay your amount owing as you would any other bill. Not online? Don’t use online banking?
You can also make a cheque payable to the ‘Receiver General for Canada’ and clearly mark your SIN and the words “CURRENT YEAR FILING” and mail it to “Canada Revenue Agency, Surrey Taxation, 9755 King George Hwy, Surrey, BC V3T5E5”. If you are not comfortable just mailing in a cheque, either include a cover, or ask me to email you a copy of the T7DR – the remittance form.
If you want to pay at the bank, you will need to get your tax package from me with the form for bank payment in it, or some banks have blank form T7DR for you to be able to pay there – check with your bank.
For more details go to: